36 images Created 31 Aug 2013
Peru's Long Haul: Highway to Riches, or Ruin?
Crossing from Brazil through Peru and over the Andes, the Transoceanica is a controversial highway that would link the Atlantic - and Amazonia - to the Pacific. Many environmentalists are worried. With more than half the nation living in poverty, many Peruvians can't wait.
Environmentalists fear that the new road will speed migration down to Peru's Amazon basin. A rush of migrants will bring environmental degredradation on a scale not yet seen in Peru's isolated Madre de Dios province. Already a gold mining boom and illegal mahogany logging have accelerated due to improvements along the road.
Environmentalists fear that the new road will speed migration down to Peru's Amazon basin. A rush of migrants will bring environmental degredradation on a scale not yet seen in Peru's isolated Madre de Dios province. Already a gold mining boom and illegal mahogany logging have accelerated due to improvements along the road.